Our Mission
"At the heart of a transformed world are transformed hearts." - Adrian van Kaam
Our mission is to facilitate a lifelong pursuit of ongoing, in-depth spiritual formation and service as the world headquarters for study and training in the field of formative spirituality. Co-founded in 1979 by Fr. Adrian van Kaam, CSSp, PhD (1920-2007) and Susan Muto, PhD, Epiphany is dedicated to dissemination, research, publication, and teaching.
About Epiphany
Epiphany Institute is a formational and educational ministry in the deepest sense of these terms. Epiphany brings people together to engage with the classics of Spirituality, read the Word of God, and discover the richness of a spiritual journey marked by a true metanoia of heart, which involves a deepening understanding of the dynamics of our human and Christian formation, reformation, and transformation.
Epiphany is an international organization whose prototype began in the 1940s with the pioneering work of Fr. Adrian van Kaam, CSSp, PhD. We specialize in the field of “Formative Spirituality” — a universally relevant science, anthropology, and theology of formation — that is disseminated through our teaching, programming, and publications including books, articles, audio, and video resources.
In addition, we are deeply committed to the promotion of the literature of spirituality, specifically the ancient, medieval, and modern Christian masters, and strive to offer unique opportunities for lifelong, in-depth formation of the human and Christian heart.
Upon the sale of the academy building in December of 2023, Epiphany entered a new phase of outreach in 2024 that involved digital programming and course content. Be sure to peruse our online bookstore, which features the writings and teaching of Fr. Adrian van Kaam and Dr. Susan Muto. We welcome you to learn more about our outreach and mission as you explore our website.
The Epiphany Association is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and included in the group ruling issued to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Fr. Adrian van Kaam, CSSp, PhD

Dr. Susan Muto, PhD